bagzs joint Sports Forum

Dragonfly™ CMS CPG-Nuke Dev Team

Dragonfly CMS v15.1.0 Updates Dragonfly CMS v9.4 to PHP 8+
(Available for public download)

Dragonfly™ Multimedia The majority of the multimedia found in Dragonfly™ was designed by Paris Paris

Dragonfly™ Logo The Dragonfly™ logo was designed by Brian Monnone Brian Monnone

Menu Graphics A small portion of the graphics found in Dragonfly™ was designed by Everaldo Everaldo


Coppermine Coppermine Photo Gallery ported for Dragonfly™ by the CPG-Nuke Dev Team Grégory Demar

CPG-BB CPG Bulletin Board by DragonflyCMS Dev Team and based on phpBB x which is released under the GNU GPL DragonflyCMS Dev Team

Private Messaging Send and recieve private messages with members

Statistics Keep track of who visits your site and at what time CPG-Nuke Dev Team

Auctions Capper Auctions

Ave57 The Gamblers Edge Sports Forum Tom

LotteryBingo Lottery Bingo

NFL_Best_Bets NFL Football Bets Contest slapdog

NFL_Last_Man NFL Last Man Standing

NFL_Pick_7 NFL Pick 7

NFL_Straight_Up NFL Straight Up Contest

Officepools Office pools. Supports a wide variety of different sports. Slapdog

Shop_Yosemite Sell Store Products Tom

Webstore Web Store slapdog

CVClassics Central Valley Classic Cars Slapdog

Digital_Madness Photo Gallery Madness slap

Events Central Valley Classic Cars Events slap

NFL_Schedule NFL_Schedule slapdog

Account Account registration slap

High5 Give me a High 5 slap

Sportpools Sports Square pools. Slapdog

Nascar_Survivor Nascar Survivor Contest

Baseball_13_Run Baseball 13 Run Pool slap

MLB_Baseball_Schedule MLB Baseball_Schedule slapdog


Coppermine Coppermine Photo Gallery ported for CPG-Nuke by the CPG-Nuke Dev Team Gr

CPG Main Menu Written from scratch by DJMaze DJMaze

CPG Multimedia The majority of the graphics found in CPG-Nuke Dragonflyâ Paris

CPG-lang Language File Input for i18n. To easily translate CPG-Nuke into a foreign language. Akamu Akamai

Forums CPG-BB 1.0.0 by CPG-Nuke Dev Team.
Based on phpBB 2.0.x

Members List Part of CPG-BB by CPG-Dev Team

Our Sponsors Create and manage advertisements for your site CPG-Nuke

Private Messages Part of CPG-BB by CPG-Dev Team

Some Graphics A small portion of the graphics found in CPG-Nuke Dragonflyâ Everaldo

User Info Block Based on All Info Block by Alex Hession | Major Modifications made by DJMaze | Alex Hession

This website is intended "For entertainment purposes only" and not intended for illegal gambling.
Software released under GNU GPL, Code Credits, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Cookie Settings